
In the OpenTherm page, in the “System Generators cascade control it is possible to:

  • Enable the OpenTherm source in Winter, Summer, Off, Summer+Winter

  • Establish Priorities in relation to other Sources (see https://setecna.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUBDOCS/pages/3258779607)

  • Define what Outdoor temperature range it can operate in Winter and Summer

  • Define the limits of the water temperature in Heating

  • Define the limits of the water temperature in Cooling

In the “ Generators Demand Status” it is possible to see if the OpenTherm Heating/Cooling demand is active and with what set point (in the example above it is active and with 16°C set point).


We generally speak of OpenTherm Heating because it was created to control boilers, but the protocol itself also implements the cooling part. Therefore, it is possible to manage also the heat pumps that implement this protocol.

In the “Generators” section at the bottom it is possible to select, for each of the 8 generators:

If there is only one OpenTherm generator then the Priority of the generator is irrelevant, as well as the algorithm chosen for the cascade logic, it will always and only be the generator to start according to the priority assigned to the OpenTherm Source in the “System Generators cascade control”


G0 is to be used only if a DOT display is installed as master that has OpenTherm on board.


OpenTherm has 4 digital outputs available

  • 122. Active Request OT/H+C when request to OpenTherm is ON.

  • 123. Active Request OT/DHW when the request to OpenTherm DHW is ON.

  • 126. Active when at least one OpenTherm generator is in alarm.

  • 127. Active when all OpenTherm generators are in alarm.