Every zone can be associated with a Circuit; configuration of the Circuit associated with a zone is done in the Configuration Zone/1:

When a zone is ON (activate), that is when the zone control is actually on, the manifold/circuit associated with the zone is activated.


It is worthwhile to clarify this concept: the Circuit is activated when the output of the zone is actually ON, it is not sufficient that the zone is in an active mode (Comfort or Economy); if the zone is in Comfort mode but the temperature is higher than the set point (in winter, lower if in summer), the zone output is OFF, and therefore the corresponding Circuit is not activated.

When a zone activates the Circuit with which it is associates, it also transmits its working mode, and therefore if the zone is in Comfort, the Circuit will also be in Comfort mode, if it is in Economy the Circuit will be in Economy and so on.

The working mode is important for the control logic, because it determines the desired delivery water temperature.


If several zones are associated with the same Circuit and are operating at the same time, but in different modes (i.g., a zone in Comfort and the other one in Economy), the Circuit will assume the “higher” working mode (in our example, Comfort).

For more information, consult the section on Circuits.