
If you want to manage via 0/10V or dry contacts the speed of the integration unit (fancoil or other unit) it is necessary to set the temperature offset for the desired speeds or set the speed to OFF if you do not want to use them.

It is not necessary to set all speeds. Instead, it is important to set the switch-off hysteresis.

Integration is activated by the zone it is associated with based on the temperature difference measured by the sensor associated with the zone and its set point. If this difference is greater than the offset (of Low, Medium, and High speed) set in Configuration/2, then the integration will be activated at the relevant speed.

So, if the zone set point is 23°C and the offset low speed is 1 K, then the integration (low speed) is activated if the sensor reads < 22°C. If the offset medium speed is 2 K, then the integration switches to medium speed if the sensor reads 21°C.

Integration switches off if the sensor exceeds the set point plus the OFF Hysteresis.


These offsets apply to all 8 integration units.