
Each zone can send two types of requests to Dehumidifiers:

The “dehumidification” and “integration” request can be sent to the same Dehumidifier or to two different Dehumidifiers, according to the type of system; naturally, if only the dehumidification function is required, it is possible to ignore the integration function and vice versa.


  • Zone that activates a pure dehumidifier

    • Only one Dehumidifier (e.g., D1) is associated to the Zone for the dehumidification function.

    • No Dehumidifier is associated to the Zone for the integration function.

  • Zone that activates a dehumidifier with integration

    • The same Dehumidifier (e.g., D1) is associated to the Zone both for the dehumidification function and the integration one.

  • Zone that activates a dehumidifier and a fan coil with the integration functions

    • A Dehumidifier (e.g., D1) is associated to a Zone to manage the dehumidifier.

    • Another Dehumidifier (e.g., D2) is associated to the Zone to manage the fan coil.

Several Zones can be linked to the same Dehumidifier (both with dehumidification and integration function). The requests from the various Zones are grouped together (put “in parallel”, to use an electrotechnical analogy): it is enough that one single Zone exceeds the set humidity level for the Dehumidifier associated with the dehumidification function to be activated; the same applies for the integration function; note that the dehumidification and integration function are independent of each other.

Dehumidification, Integration, and Valve Controls

Each Dehumidifier controls 3 output (relays):

  • Dehumidification control: to activate the device that dehumidifies.

  • Integration control: to activate the device for the integration (additional heating or cooling).

  • Valve control: to activate, if required, a water supply (normally it controls a valve, but it could also be a pump or other device that must be activated before the deh/integration unit is activated).

For the Ventilation/renewal part, please refer to the page .

For each control it is possible to configure the operation differently for summer and winter, by specifying if the corresponding output is:

  • Always off

  • Always active

  • Active if requested

If you use the valve control output, it is also possible to specify the time required for opening; if specified, the activation of dehumidification and/or integration contacts is delayed, in relation to the time of activation of the valve output, by the set time; this delay is useful if the valve (normally an header) takes a few minutes to open and an immediate switch-on of the dehumidifier could give “no flow” alarms. This time can be set in Configuration/2

Fan speed management

The Dehumidifier subsystem can also manage three digital outputs and/or a 0/10 output for fan speed control: the output is activated together with the integration contact, and can take 3 values corresponding to low, medium, and high speed: among all the integration requests from various zones (each of which specifies if it wants a low, medium, or high integration see ) the subsystem determines the highest request and applies it to the output (digital or analogue).

The voltage levels corresponding to the 3 speeds can be set freely, and independently for each Dehumidifier; when the integration contact is switched-off, the output switches to 0 V and all digital outputs are open.

Normally, dehumidification and integration controls operate independently; when the same device (typically a fan coil in summer operation with water at 7/12°C) is used both for dehumidification and cooling, it is possible to configure the system so that the dehumidification request also activates integration; in this case, the speed is defined by the speed set for dehumidification even though the integration would require a higher speed.

The Dehumidifier subsystem can be associated with a manifold/circuit; if associated, the circuit is activated when the valve control and at least one between dehumidification and integration control is active.


  • If also or only the integration control is active, the circuit is activated in COMFORT mode.

  • if only the dehumidification control is active, the circuit is activated in ECONOMY mode.

Finally, both the dehumidifier and integration can activate a father dehumidifier and/or father integration, which will be activated at the same time:

In Actual Status (bottom right of the page) it is possible to see the active functions.


The digital output available for Dehumidifiers are:

  • 96. Dehumidifier 1 - switching dehumidification demand on and off

  • 100. Dehumidifier 2 - switching dehumidification demand on and off

  • 104. Dehumidifier 3 - switching dehumidification demand on and off

  • 108. Dehumidifier 4 - switching dehumidification demand on and off

  • 112. Dehumidifier 5 - switching dehumidification demand on and off

  • 116. Dehumidifier 6 - switching dehumidification demand on and off

  • 120. Dehumidifier 7 - switching dehumidification demand on and off

  • 124. Dehumidifier 8 - switching dehumidification demand on and off

  • 160. Integration 1 - switching integration demand on and off

  • 161. Integration 2 - switching integration demand on and off

  • 162. Integration 3 - switching integration demand on and off

  • 163. Integration 4 - switching integration demand on and off

  • 164. Integration 5 - switching integration demand on and off

  • 165. Integration 6 - switching integration demand on and off

  • 166. Integration 7 - switching integration demand on and off

  • 167. Integration 8 - switching integration demand on and off

  • 97. Valve 1 - switching the valve on and off

  • 101. Valve 2 - switching the valve on and off

  • 105. Valve 3 - switching the valve on and off

  • 109. Valve 4 - switching the valve on and off

  • 113. Valve 5 - switching the valve on and off

  • 117. Valve 6 - switching the valve on and off

  • 121. Valve 7 - switching the valve on and off

  • 125. Valve 8 - switching the valve on and off

  • 129/130/131. Low/Medium/High Dehumidifier 1 - Low, medium, and high speed switch

  • 133/134/135. Low/Medium/High Dehumidifier 2 - Low, medium, and high speed switch

  • 137/138/139. Low/Medium/High Dehumidifier 3 - Low, medium, and high speed switch

  • 141/142/143. Low/Medium/High Dehumidifier 4 - Low, medium, and high speed switch

  • 145/146/147. Low/Medium/High Dehumidifier 5 - Low, medium, and high speed switch

  • 149/150/151. Low/Medium/High Dehumidifier 6 - Low, medium, and high speed switch

  • 153/154/155. Low/Medium/High Dehumidifier 7 - Low, medium, and high speed switch

  • 157/158/159. Low/Medium/High Dehumidifier 8 - Low, medium, and high speed switch


The analogue output available for each Dehumidifier is:

  • 9. Dehumidifier 1 – corresponds to the fan speed

From 10 to 16 are the same for dehumidifiers 2 to 8.