
The REG System is also able to manage the following configuration with two tanks in series:

The load and the safeties of the first boiler (the main one on the right) follows as indicated in https://setecna.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUBDOCS/pages/3258780320.

If the hot water load in the main boiler is finished and Solar with Main Tank and Auxiliary Tank has been selected, the REG System:

  • Switches the position of the valve before the pump (see diagram);

  • Check the P05 Auxiliary solar tank maximum Temp and, if the detected temperature is lower, it actives the pump until it is reached.

For the correct operation of this logic, it is mandatory to also have the TS5 probe in the auxiliary tank.


3 digital outputs are available for the Solar Panels with two tanks:

  • 98. Solar.Function./Special 1 which is activated when the solar pump is ON (in previous versions 4.32 of the RegConfig firmware it was called 98. Solar Pump)

  • 102. Solar.Funct./Special 3 which is activated when the three-way valve is ON on the main tank (in previous versions 4.32 of the RegConfig firmware it was called 102. Tank diverting valve 1)

  • 103. Solar.Funct./Special 4 which is activates when the three-way valve is ON on the auxiliary tank (in previous versions 4.32 of the RegConfig firmware it was called 102. Tank diverting valve 2)

No analogue outputs are available for this function.