
This section shows valid values only if connecting via USB cable directly to the REG-DOT-B, if connecting to the REG-DIN-8 do not use it:

Within this section there are some parameters that cannot be changed, such as:

  • Build: firmware version of the WiFi mode, the latest available is 19.01.2023, the previous one is March 18th 2020.

  • MAC: MAC address of the DOT display, which allows it to be uniquely recognized within a network.

  • ID: station name to register the device on the www.s5a.eu portal for the user and the remote service.

  • Password: password to register the device on the www.s5a.eu portal for the final user or remote service.

While other parameters are changeable, such as the network to which the device connects, the status of the WiFi modem within the DOT and network parameters (DHCP, IP, DNS etc.):


It is possible to switch the WiFi Modem on or off within the DOT with the following commands to be entered in Modem Demand, while in the first box of the Current Status you can see the status of the modem at that moment. If the request is equal to the status, it means that the modem has received the command:

  • WIFI OFF: the display modem is switched off (Modem request from RegConfig = 1);

  • WIFI ACTIVE DISCONNECTED: the display WiFi modem is switched on, but it does not look for the access point of the network to which it should connect (Modem request from RegConfig = 2);

  • WIFI ACTIVE CONNECTED: the display WiFi modem is switched on and it attempts to connect to the access point of the network, but it does not attempt to reach remote management web server (Modem request from RegConfig = 4);

  • ONLINE: the display modem is switched on; it searches for the access point of the network and if it connects to the customer’s modem; it attempts to communicate with the remote management web server (Modem request from RegConfig = 6).

These 4 states correspond to as many buttons within the Modem Management menu that is shown in the DOT display.

In the event a REG-LAN-MK2 or a REG-GSM is present, the DOT’s WiFi must be in off.


The display has DHCP active (=1) from factory setting, it means that the IP, Subnet Mask and Gateway values are assigned by the home modem-router using the DHCP mechanism.

If it is necessary for the router to also assign the DNS, then set DHCP = 2. If, on the other hand, you wish to manually enter the network parameters, then set DHCP to zero.


Every time the network parameters are changed, you need to set the DOT’s WiFi to OFF and then switch it on again.


The network SSID is the name of the WiFi network you wish to connect to and its password.


Do not leave spaces before or after the network name or password!

Every time the network changes, first set the DOT’s WiFi to OFF and then switch it on again. If the network is directly chosen from the display screen, this is not necessary as it will restart automatically.