The DHW can or cannot be associated with a timetable and a sensor, to which it is possible giving a calibration:


for sensor setting information see ANALOG AND DIGITAL INPUT MULTIPLEXER, while for timetable setting see TIMETABLES.

The Enable Dry Contact is a dry contact that can switch the DHW on or off and it works in series with the annual schedule, if present, and with the global DHW enable of Configuration 1 (DHW ENABLE).

The DHW Set Comfort and Economy are those associated with the respecting work mode.

The Hysteresis corresponds to the DHW shutdown delta. Therefore, if we assume that we want 60°C and we have a hysteresis of 5°C, the request to the associated circuit, and consequently to the generator, will start if the temperature drops below 60°C and stops above 65°C.

The Delta Aux Output is what activates the auxiliary output of the DHW, which could be an integration booster heater or another source. If we take the above example again, the auxiliary output starts if the water temperature drops (either in Comfort or Economy) below 55°C (60°C-5°C).


The DHW work mode can be forced in Economy, Comfort, or in Antifreeze mode. If it is left in automatic, it will follow the associated timetable, if present, or the indicated mode (Comfort in this example):


The Force Output, on the other hand, is to be used during testing (or temporarily to solve problems that require it).


The Force Work Mode has priority over timetable forcing. Therefore, if the associated timetable is in Force Economy mode while the DHW is in Force Comfort mode, then the Work Mode will be in Comfort mode.

The manual Force Output remains ON or OFF until:


Digital outputs are available for DHW:


The only analogue output is the DHW set point itself: