The main function of Domestic Hot Water re-circulation in plumbing systems is to control that there is no unnecessary waste of the domestic water consumed, plus it keeps the water temperature constant along the line.
Re-circulation can be inserted either in the storage tank or directly on the cold sanitary water inlet of the thermostatic mixer, the choice depending on various factors (availability of connections on the storage tank, available space):
Il sistema REG gestisce il ricircolo nativamente mediante orologio e in particolare mediante l’orologio associato al sottosistema ACS:
The REG System manages circulation by default through timetable and particularly through the timetable associated with the DHW subsystem:
Nel momento in cui l’orologio ACS è in modalità Comfort il ricircolo si attiva, attivando l’uscita digitale 50 che deve dare il consenso al circolatore di ricircolo: