By connecting a REG-OTG or a REG-OT4 to the OpenTherm generator(s), it is possible to display the data sent by the generator in the green frame:
Generator Status:
F = Fault
H = Heating
D = Domestic production
F = Flame
C = Cooling
CH = Heating Second Channel
S = Service
Cg = Communication failure with the generator
Temperature Outlet in °C
Temperature Inlet in °C
Temperature DHW in °C
Power output in %: the powers are expressed in percentage, so if there are generators with different power, for example 24kW and 35kW, the same power % corresponds to different real power. Moreover, some boilers give the real power output, so they consider 0% with the boiler off, while with the flame on the power value read by the system is ≥ 15-17%, that is the minimum power at which they can modulate; other boilers, instead, indicate the % in relation to the useful modulation range, so with 0% they indicate that the boiler is operating at the minimum of its modulation (probably 15-20% of the nominal power rating) but still on. This may have an impact on the settings (although usually not a big one): for the former the minimum power = 30% probably indicates an actual 30%, while in the latter case the minimum power = 30% probably indicates roughly an actual 40% value, assuming its minimum is 15%, this would be [(100%-15%)*0,3+15%)];
OT Error
Ts = Service Request
Rr = Remote Reset Enabled
Lp = Low water pressure
Gf = Flame failure
Ap = Air pressure failure
Oh = Over heating
Cg = Communication with generator failure
OEM Error (see manufacturer's manual)
Each manufacturer can decide which data to implement, so for example, if OT Errors (OpenTherm) are not encoded, no box will ever be ticked. If the inlet probe is not assembled, its value will not be present in the corresponding box.